Amber Kustaborder

Amber Kustaborder
School(s) and Degree(s):
Kent State University – M. Arch & B.S. Architecture w/minor in Urban Planning
To me connecting the dots means…
Using design to connect people to their environment in ways that they might not have thought of.
When not at work you will find me…
Watching the Great British Baking show with my cat Gravy.
I bet you didn’t know______ about me
I make a traditional Swedish liquor using an old family recipe about 2-3 times a year.
My favorite place in Nashville is…
Richland Park Farmer’s Market
The reason I wanted to become an Architect/Designer was…
I tried a drafting class in high school and decided that I really enjoyed myself during it and took all of the other architecture classes offered and that’s what sold me on going to college for it.