Welcome To The SGS Blog!
Are you following Smith Gee Studio on Facebook and Instagram? Are you checking the website daily? Are you finding that even after all of that, you catch yourself wide awake in the middle of the night thinking, “I JUST NEED MORE SMITH GEE!”?
Well, have we got the solution for you!
Introducing the Smith Gee Studio Blog, an online platform for our talented and creative staff to share with you their thoughts, skills, and experiences.
We here at Smith Gee believe that design is powerful. It has the power to heal and to inspire. It teaches how to solve problems creatively and openly. It shows that quality does matter, and that usually the things that bring the most joy are the things that are created selflessly.
This blog is to share with you what we have learned through design, and to showcase the impact design has made in our community. We want to show you exactly how we are implementing our mantra of “connecting the dots”!
From theses to projects to Nashville happenings, you’ll find it all here on the SGS blog.
Thanks for reading, and check in next week!