NeoCon 2019
For commercial designers Neocon is THE trade show event in the US. Designers from all over the world flock to the Merchandise Mart located in Chicago, IL. The Mart consists of over 4,000,000 square feet of floor space with over 125 showrooms. As you can imagine walking the building in a 2-day period trying to see and feel as much as possible is quite a task. But our very own Claire Monette Weil and Anjona Pal did just that! As with every year, there are highlights, here are a few of their favorites….

Technology – Steelcase Flex Mobile Power
This power accesssory was inspired by handcrafted ceramic tableware. Each unit has the power capacity to charge three laptops for a full day. At the end of the day, units are recharged overnight on the charging tray.

Seating – Davis Cova Chair:
This lounge chair by Davis Furniture was a crowd favorite. A large down cushion covers the chair making a comfortable resting spot after walking all over the Merchandise Mart.

Framing Spaces – Haworth & Knoll Showrooms
In open office environments, space division and the balance of openess and privacy is tough. Using open beam frames and acoustical curtains, give just the right amount of visual and acoustical privacy.

DIY Furniture – Teknion Bene Box:
Teknion partnered with European Furniture company, Bene to create a kit of boxes made from pine plywood. The boxes are easily assembled and disassembled too create flexible furniture.