Pets of SGS
Meet our best friends!
For future reference:
floofy (floofiness) –
floofy (comparative more floofy, superlative most floofy)
- (informal) Feathery; puffy, light, airy or windswept.
- (colloquial) Elaborate, frilly, fussy or overwrought in a silly or purely decorative way.
- (colloquial) Fluttery; emotional, worked up, especially over inconsequentials.
Name: Zoe – The Official Smith Gee Studio Office Dog ™
Owner: Sonya Smith and Fleming Smith
Top three traits: (1) smart and sensitive (2) outgoing- never met a stranger (3) longest eyelashes ever
Best trick: High-five
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Jennifer Aniston
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): yes the best
Quote from your dog: “I take my job as official office mascot seriously, as long as there are treats involved and no filing.”
Name: Marla
Owner: Johanna Coetzee
Top three traits: needy, snuggly, VERY concerned
Best trick: crawl
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Scrat, the squirrel from Ice Age
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): yes, forever and always
Quote from your dog: “Hello fellow human. I am also a human. Nice to meet you.”
Names: Calvin and Hobbes
Owners: Lauren Miller and Jesse Wilmoth
Top three traits: Cat Ninjas, Binge Eating, Competitive Staring
Level of floofiness 1 to 10: 7 for personality, 3 for hair
If your cat was a celebrity/character they would be: Mitchell Pritchett & Cameron Tucker, Modern Family
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or no): Cat behavior cannot be measured by feeble human terms
Quote from your cat: “I love you, and that is why I have to kill you.”
Name: Chocolate “Basil” Celebrity
Owner: Mona Hodge
Top three traits: loving, smart, funny
Best trick: Pirouettes!
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Rick Fox Aka Silver Fox Aka Lady’s Man
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): yes
Quote from your dog: “I woke up like this.”

Name: Cinco Cervantes-Vega
Owners: Yesenia Vega
Top three traits: Loyal to his human parents, Tuxedo fur so he is always ready for a classy party, Loooooooooves cuddles
Level of floofiness 1 to 10: 3
If your cat was a celebrity/character they would be: Kevin Hart, he is small but has so much energy and is willing to act a fool to make us laugh
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or no): yes
Quote from your cat: “Mom, Dad, this is a meow house now” or “mom, mom, mom, mommy, mommy, mommy, mama, mama, mama, ma, ma, ma, ma, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mommy, mama, mama, mama…”
Name: Riley
Owner: Jason Gibson
Top three traits: Licks everything all the time, great cuddle pup who will sleep as late as you will let him, desperate face (when begging)
Best trick: his Elvis curled lip impersonation
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Clint Eastwood…see mailman comment below.
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): UM YES, THE BEST DOG EVER…
Name: Buddy Gibbs (aka Jabba the Mutt)
Owner: Greg Tidwell
Top three traits: Friendly, Charming, and Joyful
Best trick: Making food disappear
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Patton Oswalt
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): Oh YES, Good boy!!!
Quote from your dog: “Say, you going to finish that?”
Name: Sheldon Cooper
Owners: Jessica Porter
Top three traits: Smart, Raspy Voice, Rocks a Bowtie
Level of floofiness 1 to 10: 7; he has a very floofy face
If your cat was a celebrity/character they would be: his name is Sheldon Cooper…duh
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or no): Shelly is the nicest cat
Quote from your cat: “What the hecks Jessica!”
Name: Hattie. No, Not after Hattie B’s. Short for Manhattan. The cocktail, not the city. ^Photo credit: Matt Carbone
Owner:Dave Brawner
Top three traits: her super soft hound ears, she’s super snuggly, she has the ability to curl up in a bed less than half her size
Best trick: sit (also her only trick)
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Mariah Carey, because there is no such thing as too much attention
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): most of the time (editor’s note: he meant yes)
Quote from your dog: “Give me that cheese and nobody gets hurt!”
Names: Mollie
Owners: Ken Babinchak
Top three traits: Uses a litter box (aim is suspect), really good at letting me know when she’s hungry , we enjoy a symbiotic relationship: she prefers minimal contact and I’m allergic to cats
Level of floofiness 1 to 10: 4
If your cat was a celebrity/character they would be: Named after Molly from the Beatles song,”Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” so I guess that works. Desmond was our other cat, but he ran away 🙁
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or no): when she wants to be
Quote from your cat: “Feed me, Seymour!”
Name: Duchess “Dutch” (puppy- 5 months old)
Owner: Meredith Bucher
Top three traits: fetching (sometimes she brings it back), tearing up toilet paper rolls all over the house, snuggling on the couch
Best trick: sitting pretty for treats
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Pluto!
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): YES – she’s lucky she’s so cute
Quote from your dog: “Are you going to eat that? I would really love to eat it”
Name: Neely
Owner: Mark Crowe
Top three traits: Sheddy, Fast, Barky
Best trick: Can miss any piece of food thrown at her by a mile or have it hit her square in the face while trying to catch it
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Jack Black
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): Sweet, yes; Good, not really (editor’s note: he meant yes)
Quote from your dog: “Wherever you are sitting please move, that is my spot.”
Name: Tinkerbell (aka Tink)
Owner:Greg Tidwell
Top three traits: Curious, Playful, Bossy
Best trick: Escaping from the backyard
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Joan Rivers
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): Oh YES, Good girl!!!
Quote from your dog: “I make squirrel hunting fabulous”
Name: Coco
Owner: Sonya Smith and Fleming Smith
Top three traits: (1.) Wicked Smart (2.) loves to go to the hair salon (3) guards the house and family
Best trick: Diva, doesn’t disdain herself to perform tricks
If your dog was a celebrity/character they would be: Coco Chanel
Are they a good boy/girl (yes or yes): yes the best
Quote from your dog: “Be a love and pass the caviar, Darling”